
Ross Leckie was born in Lachine, Quebec, in 1953. He studied English and Philosophy at McGill, did a Creative Writing (M.A.) at Concordia, working with Gary Geddies, and took his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto. He held a post-doctoral fellowship at Princeton, and taught at the University of Toronto and the University of Northern British Columbia. His creative work has appeared in The Fiddlehead, The Antigonish Review, Descant, ARIEL, The New Republic, Denver Quarterly, Southwest Review, and American Literary Review. His academic writing has been published in Essays in Literature, Studies in Short Fiction, Weber Studies, Verse, and University of Toronto Quarterly. Leckie is the Director of Creative Writing at the University of New Brunswick, where his other academic interests include twentieth century American and Canadian Literature, Post-Colonial Literature, Cultural Studies, and the American Sublime. Leckie edits The Fiddlehead, and is also a poetry editor for Goose Lane Editions. His poetry collections—A Slow Light (1983), The Authority of Roses (1997), and Gravity’s Plumb Line (2005)—reflect his academic and creative endeavours, with a diction that is both learned and full of classical allusions, yet filled with metaphor and a clever manipulation of language.


  • A Slow Light. Montreal: Signal Editions, 1983.
  • The Authority of Roses. London, ON: Brick Books, 1997.
  • Gravity’s Plumb Line. Kentville, NS: Gaspereau Press, 2005.
Selected Overviews
The Authority of Roses
Gravity's Plumb Line

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Critical Sources

  • Miller, Eric. “A Larger Heart.” Rev. of Gravity’s Plumb Line, by Ross Leckie. Books in Canada 34.7 (October 2005): 29.
  • MacLeod, Alexander. “‘Having a Conversation With the Place You're In': Discussing the Past, Present and Future of Atlantic-Canadian Poetry with Brian Bartlett, Ross Leckie,
  • Lindsay Marshall and Anne      Simpson.” Dalhousie Review 89.1 (2009): 25-37.
  • Miller, Eric. “A Larger Heart.” Rev. of Gravity’s Plumb Line, by Ross Leckie. Books in Canada 34.7 (October 2005): 29.
  • Neilson, Shane. Rev. of Gravity’s Plumb Line, by Ross Leckie. Antigonish Review 160 (2010): 93-95.
  • Rev. of The Authority of Roses, by Ross Leckie. ARC 39 (1997): 84-5.